There are all sorts of known VR accessories, such as grip slipcovers, interchangeable masks, storage bags, and even some that turn the grip into a golf club, put cute stickers on the front panel of the headset, and other uncommon things, but they’re all designed to give you a better, longer-lasting VR experience. Let’s take a look at some of the odd VR accessories out there~
1.Gimbal Treadmill
The gimbal treadmill has always been popular in VR, and Top Gun has added walking freely in VR to many people’s ‘wish list’, so a variety of gimbal treadmills have appeared on people’s radar.
The more reasonably normal ones, like the one below, are gimbaled and constantly walking treadmills by constantly reorienting the player, with all sorts of protections in place. But this is a pricey set, with prices starting at 80,000.
The gimbal treadmill is by its very nature a more realistic simulation of the gaming experience, but gradually another use has developed, fitness! As well as treadmills, we also see rowing machines, bikes etc.
2.Haptic gloves, vests, full body suits
This category is definitely the big one in VR peripherals. If the sense of taste and smell is still crooked for the time being, then haptic peripherals are the right way to go. Because, after all, taste and smell are very much linked to human emotions and there is a lot of uncertainty, but haptics is more unified, hence the birth of a large number of haptic peripherals.
Full-body sensory ones include the TeslaSuit, PrioVR and ElecSuit suits; gloves such as the HaptX and various other gloves with force feedback, the Tactai Touch finger clips that use wave vibrations; vests like the TactSuit and others that can simulate the experience of being shot in real life. These are mixed with different forms such as skin sensing and exoskeletons, and different simulation principles such as electrodes and vibrations, so there is a wide variety.
But barring that, sometimes one just can’t be completely decent ……
At CES 2017, Japanese company Cereo showed off a pair of foot haptic feedback sandals, called Taclim, which supposedly hopes to allow users to experience the sensation of stepping on different surfaces.
There’s more than one family obsessed with underscares, and some game developers aren’t holding back any good intentions either. Red Barrels, the developer of the horror game Escape, designed Escape 2 to satisfy the cries of ‘scared pissed’ gamers by simultaneously launching a nappy crowdfunding project called ‘Underscares:’